Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Tough Times

As most of you know, America is in a recession [or however you spell that] right now. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's kind of the first step to a depression. Which America already went through in the 30's. Last night our new prezzy Obama made a monumental speech, that I was forced to watch. Most of it was all gibberish to me, but basically what I got from it was that he had a bailout plan with kahoolas of money,to jump start our economy again.

Now I'm no genius, but where is all of this money going to come from if we don't have any to start with? My generation will be the one who will have to pay all of this magical money that appears out of dust off.

I'm not really going to get into polotics, because to be honest I hate them. I think they're all lying hypocrites.

It just a very scary unstable time for America right now. And...it's...scary O.o

Soo...ya. Just sayin. >.<

1 comment:

  1. wow shea
    are we really going to blog about
    hoebama..i mean obama...x]
    politics SUCK
