Monday, February 16, 2009

Dismay on Sunday, Sleepovers, Photography, and Teenage Pregnancy

Rebecca ended up sleeping over Friday night. I was to chicken to tell her otherwise and her attitude seems back to normal lately. So we had fun, made retarded videos, and did makeovers xP

I finally convinced my dad to drive me to Sunday school on...Sunday [durr] . Derek was there as expected<3 But our teacher was sick, so we were stuck with a really boring teacher, and a bunch of 6th graders T_T So all in all it was a boring class :[ Derek and I did a bunch of those glances and smiling at each other though ^_^

Sunday afternoon I caught up on my show 'The Secret Life Of The American Teenager' [thank god for Tivo] . For those of you who haven't seen it: It's about a 15 year old getting pregnant by some jerk at band camp. And basically every other character on the show has something to do with sex. And lately the plot has just gotten more and more stupid. I mean the parents are taking this pregnancy shanaiggan awfully camly. No consequences or anything. And there is just alot of bad actors. And while I like it, I'm afriad if it gets any worse I might have to break up with my show D:

I took some pictures last week, with my freinds. Not the best, but here are a couple. More to come! >.<

There's a graveyard across the street :] Creepy. I know.

No, that's not me. That's my freind.

1 comment:

  1. ok just one thing to say
    SLOAT is a good show
    and the parents TOTALLY freaked out at first
    so HA!! but now they kind of have to deal with it x]
