Friday, January 30, 2009

First Blog, Hooray For Shea!!!

Yeah, well I'm Shea [ sh-a-y, oh smart ones who thinks it's pronounced sh-ee-uh ]...I'm a girl. I know where you live, and I'm also a mind reader ;]

I probably care a little too much what people think about me, I'm short, TWILIGHT FAN [random fact] , I have absolutely no life, and feel the need to share my feelings to the world over a blog during my free time. I'm homeschooled, due to my love for acting and music. I play the bass guitar, I sing, and I'm suckish at dancing xD My vocabulary consists of 'Awsomesauce', and 'Scrumpdidillyumptious'. I have very strong opinions, and I'm not afraid to state them.

I also have no clue to why I am telling you all this, because the only thing you all really need to know is that my blogs will probably vary from me sharing with you all how bored I am, me crying about boys, and of course my non-stop rants >.< aannndddd...I'm very ticklish :D

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